MGC Award Incentives
All 1st Place Club Awards in each size category will receive $50. All 1st Place Individual Awards will receive $25
All 2nd Place Club Awards in each size category will receive $25. Second place individual awards do not receive a monetary award.
MGC Award Directions
NOTE: ALL general awards are due to MGC State Awards Chair no later than Oct. 1st.
Submit applications electronically whenever possible to General Awards Chairman:
Sue Soderberg,
2175 Avon Drive,
Traverse City, MI 49685
- Download the Award Application Cover Sheet to your computer and rename it and save it. Save is as follows: Award Category Abbreviation, Award Number with A,B, or C if applicable, Club Name (Please leave off Garden Club), and Size (S,M,L, or D for district). Example: CE1CEdensS
- Send your Award Application as a PDF (preferred). Word will be accepted.
- If you can, combine your file in one document with the Award Application Cover Sheet as the first page. If you can’t, please number your pages.
Using three pages total (single-sided) not counting the Award Application Cover Sheet. No report cover, binders or plastic sheets allowed. Exception may apply read award requirements carefully.
Completing the Award Narrative
Please complete each topic, if applicable. Use numbering below as a guide when completing the application. Refer to the scoring rubric used for a general or specific award to help you fill out your application.
1. Brief summary and objectives of project.
3. Involvement of club members, other organizations, etc.
4. Project expenses and means of funding.
5. Continuing involvement, follow-up, maintenance.
6. Attach or insert photos, digital photos, and/or landscape plan (does not need to be professionally drawn).
Civic Beautification
MGC#1 Civic Beautification – Michigan Award of Merit may be awarded to a garden club or clubs for the planting of annuals and/or perennials that beautify a public area.
MGC#2 Civic Beautification with Wildflowers and Native Plants – Michigan Award of Merit may be awarded to a garden club for planting wildflowers and/or native plants that beautify a public area.
Community Gardening
MGC#15 “Share the Harvest” Community Gardening Award of Merit, Initiated by Nancy D. Stark, MGC, Inc. State President.
15 A -This award will recognize community vegetable/herb gardens where a club works with educating, planting, and harvesting vegetables and herbs with local residents. The residents are required to participate in the garden with club members.
15 B – In established flower gardens, vegetable and herb plants are incorporated into the gardens to educate the public and then harvest the produce for local food kitchens and community food organizations.
15 C – Container and/or raised bed gardening of vegetable and herb plants where participants can grow and harvest the food. Special consideration should be given to educating children in growing vegetables in containers
Decorative Design / Horticulture Displays
MGC #13 Horticulture/Design Display – Award of Merit for a display of Horticulture and or Design in a public building such as a library, art center, museum, city hall, etc. (Formerly Holland Garden Club)
- New display on a monthly basis throughout the year.
MGC#16–Holiday Trees or Greenery
a.) Best Decorated Holiday Tree or Greenery from the previous year holiday. Containers with live greens by a Club/or Club Member with a theme that furthers NGC/MGC goals and objectives and is displayed in public for community awareness. Attach photos—one showing the decorated tree or greenery and close ups of the decorations and give a brief descriptions of those decorations.
b.) Best Decorated Holiday Tree by Youth with a theme that furthers NGC/MGC goals and objectives and is displayed in public for community awareness. Attach photos—one showing the whole decorated tree and close up of the decorations with a short note about their tree.
c.) Create a DVD from a (make-and-take) workshop for making environmentally-friendly holiday tree decorations using naturally-occurring materials.
MGC#3 Horticulture – Michigan Award of Merit to a club/individual which is outstanding in promoting and stressing horticulture by participating in two or more of the following horticultural practices:
- Growing plants under artificial light.
- Pest control avoiding hard pesticides.
- Placing permanent labels on plant material in areas used by the public.
- Other-field trip, memorial garden, public workshops.
MGC#4 Horticulture – Certificate of Appreciation to a district, club or individual member of a garden club for outstanding achievement in either of the following:
- An outstanding educational activity to promote good horticultural practice.
- Overall excellence and a well-balanced program for the year in horticultural activities. Include program yearbook.
MGC#5 Liberty Hyde Bailey Award to the club which has contributed the most comprehensive offering in any phase of horticulture. May be given to the club applying for one of the above Horticulture awards.
MGC#8–Native Tree Awards—An award to MI garden clubs that excel in any one of the following:
- Promotion of the planting and care of Native Trees. Tree must be named and type of care described.
- Development of a Native Tree Educational program for garden club meetings.
- Involvement of youth (school children, teens, 4-H Clubs, Scouts etc.) to encourage the planting and maintenance of Native Trees.
Landscape Design
MGC#6 Michigan Award of Merit to a small, medium and large garden club which has made the most significant contribution in providing, planning, for one of the following completed projects: commercial property, church, hospital, library, civic center, park, waterfront, other.
MGC#7 Photography – Michigan Award of Merit to the club or individual member which presents the best set of 5 vertical or horizontal 5”x7” color prints suitable for use by Michigan Gardens Clubs, Inc. on MGC’s Website or other promotional uses, photographer will be credited. Entry should be accompanied by a typewritten commentary keyed to pictures. Plant material in artistic designs as well as prominent trees or plants should be identified using common and botanical names. Photos will be retained by Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. Submit entries in a 5″x7″ envelope. Put the application, photos and the commentary describing photos and plant identification inside the envelope. (No Book of Evidence or Summary needed)
MGC #10 Educational Articles – Michigan Award of Merit to a club, or group of clubs having the most outstanding 13 consecutive weeks of high-caliber educational articles on various aspects of gardening published by print or on social media or their club or district. Must use the MGC by-line; must have 5 or more members participating in writing articles. Dated copies of articles must accompany application.
MGC #11 Feature Article – Michigan Award of Merit for the best feature article of approximately 1000 words by an individual member of a Michigan Garden Club published in a newspaper or periodical other than MGC Newsletter.
Tribute to a Garden Club Member
Award of Honor to recognize outstanding contributions by an individual. Send to MGC Awards Chairman, Sue Soderberg, 4600 Acorn Drive, Traverse City, MI 49685-9692. c231-357-9811 h231-929-1867
This award is to honor our members whose volunteer efforts, during a period of five or more years have made outstanding contributions to club and community in one or more of the following areas: Civic Development, Conservation, Design, Garden Therapy, Horticulture, Landscape Design, Youth Activities, All-around Excellence.
Book of Evidence is not to exceed 6 pages It should be typed and secured in a folder. It should include a short typed description of nominee’s accomplishments. The Title Page should include:
- Name of State Federation and Central Region;
- Area/s of nominee’s contribution;
- Name, complete address and phone number of nominee and nominee’s garden club/s;
- Sponsoring club including club President’s name, mailing address and signature.
Supporting information to include:
- Maximum 2-page outline listing accomplishments of nominee including offices and chairmanships held;
- A picture of nominee (minimum 3”x5”, preferable 5”x7”) of good quality for reproduction. To prevent damage to the picture, place data on an adhesive white label adhered to surface. Place picture in self-addressed envelope and enclose in left pocket of folder. D/o not seal.
MGC#9 The Caroline Gray Award of Merit
Sponsored by the Kalamazoo Garden Council. A $50.00 award is given to one small, one medium, and one large garden club participating in an outstanding project with school-age children in the area of horticulture, nature study, conservation, flower arranging, beautification or civic concern.