- Quarterly Publications
- NGC: 40+-page, The National Gardener is full of national, club and region news.
- MGC: 16-page, Thru the Garden Gate is full of state, district and club news
- Newsletter
- CR: Central Region Newsletter
- Annual Conventions/Conferences/Annual Meetings:
- NGC: Hosted each year (usually in May) by a state(s).
- CR: Hosted each year (usually in October) by a state within the region (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin)
- MGC: Conference hosted each year (usually in June) by clubs/districts within Michigan
- These provide:
- Educational seminars
- Tours
- Opportunity to meet fellow gardeners and share ideas and make new friendships. (across the country and international affiliates/region/state)
- Opportunity to invite non-MGC members, as guests.
- These provide:
- District Annual Meeting/Conference—at least one/year
- Speaker/program/tours
- Opportunity to meet fellow gardeners from across the district and share ideas and make new friendships.
- Opportunity to invite non-MGC members.
- Websites (NGC, CR, and MGC): An up-to-date website with much information available with some downloadable information. Each has a member-only side where more information is available.
- Education
- Classroom Style and Zoom Options for the four NGC schools:
- Gardening (GS)
- Landscape Design (LDS)
- Environmental (ES)
- Flower Show (FSS)
- Classroom Style and Zoom Options for the four NGC schools:
- Calendar program: Photographs from the photography contest are used in the production of the NGC’s Calendar of Beauty.
- Exhibiting: Entering horticulture, floral designs, botanical arts, and/or educational exhibits in NGC-accredited Standard Flower Shows and opportunity to win a prestigious top award.
- Opportunity to serve others in leadership positions at various levels: local, district, state, region or national, as well as at special events.
- Leadership Development: Club Presidents, Vice Presidents, other club officers, and those interested in aspiring to become a leader have the opportunity to attend presentations to develop their leadership skills further by attending leadership sessions at the District and/or State levels.
- Youth Gardening Programs: MGC clubs provide opportunities involving youth. MGC sponsors youth wishing to enter NGC contests, such as Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl poster, sculpture, high school essay, and win awards.
- Scholarships: Available for students in fields of study related to the MGC Mission and at the NGC and CR levels.
- Club Programs/Projects: Support available from NGC, CR, and MGC.
- NGC (Plant America and others) and MGC Grants (Plant America; Grow and Share): Available to MGC member clubs.
- Annual Awards: Club, MGC, CR, and NGC prestigious awards (some cash awards) available to adults and youth.
- Free Advertising of Member Club Events: Member garden clubs can advertise their events on the MGC Website public-viewable calendar.
- Eligible for 501(c)(3) for voluntary participation in the MGC Group Tax Exemption Program to those clubs that wish to participate.
- Group Tax Exemption Program: A 501(c)(3) organization is recognized by the IRS as a non-profit organization and may solicit tax-deductible donations from corporations and individuals. The process of becoming a 501(c)(3) organization is usually too complex and expensive for most small clubs. The MGC program provides a simplified and less expensive process for getting this official status from IRS. In addition, the major benefit for applying for a 501(c)(3) is to limit member liability. If someone attending a club’s meeting or event should happen to get injured, all the club’s members could be sued equally.
- Member Club General Liability Insurance: Provided by MGC.
- Club officer and club organizing materials and assistance: Available from NGC and MGC.
Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. and Central Region, Garden Clubs, Inc.
www.MIGardenClubs.org www.NationalGardenClubs.org www.NGCCentralRegion.org
Download PDF: Benefits-of-belonging-to-NGC-CR-MGC-2019