The aim of MGC Scholarships is to serve, educate, stimulate, and prepare people in the wise use of our natural resources and the preservation of our natural beauty.
To accomplish this purpose, scholarships supports the education of deserving college and university students of Michigan in the fields of horticulture, floriculture, environmental studies, crop and soil sciences, landscape architecture, biology, botany and all related fields of study pertinent to the aims and goals of MGC.
Students apply for these scholarships through their college departments at all the State of Michigan public college and universities.
We rely on the following sources for funding of Scholarships.
- Individual and club donations
- Memorials
- Honorariums
- Interest from Life Membership Honorariums
Contributions can be made payable to Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc and sent to:
Suzanne Budrow, MGC Scholarship Donations
9142 Hobbit Circle, Kalamazoo, MI 49009-8413
Any questions can be directed to Kathy Miller Scholarship Chair by email:
Current Recipients