National Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Garden Clubs, Inc. was organized to coordinate activities for State Garden Clubs along with similar groups outside of the U.S. The NGC Federation consists of eight regions comprised of geographically contiguous state garden clubs which are composed of District groupings of individual community garden clubs. Various meetings, events, and mission-related activities take place at each level of this garden club structure. National Garden Clubs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) organization that aims to promote the love of gardening, floral design, and civic and environmental responsibility and we help coordinate the interests and activities of state and local garden clubs in the U.S. and abroad. Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. is proud to be a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc.
National Garden Clubs, Inc. Central Region
The Central Region is one of 8 regions of NGC. It is comprised of the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. is comprised of 8 geographic districts across the state with 135 member Clubs.
Summary of Benefits: When You Belong to an MGC Garden Club then you also belong to NGC and NGC Central Region!
The following list includes many of the benefits of belonging to each group.
- Quarterly Publications
- NGC: 40+-page, The National Gardener is full of national, club and region news.
- MGC: Thru The Garden Gate Digital
- Newsletter
- CR: Central Region Newsletter published quarterly
- Annual Conventions/Conferences/Annual Meetings:
- NGC: Hosted each year (usually in May) by a state(s).
- CR: Hosted each year (usually in October) by a state within the region (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, and Wisconsin)
- MGC: Conference hosted each year (usually in June) by clubs/districts within Michigan
- These provide:
- Educational seminars
- Tours
- Opportunity to meet fellow gardeners and share ideas and make new friendships. (across the country and international affiliates/region/state)
- Opportunity to invite non-MGC members, as guests.
- These provide:
- District Annual Meeting/Conference—at least one/year
- Speaker/program/tours
- Opportunity to meet fellow gardeners from across the district and share ideas and make new friendships.
- Opportunity to invite non-MGC members.
- Websites (NGC, CR, and MGC): An up-to-date website with much information available with some downloadable information. Each has a member-only side where more information is available.
- Education
- Classroom Style and Zoom Options for the four NGC schools:
- Gardening (GS)
- Landscape Design (LDS)
- Environmental (ES)
- Flower Show (FSS)
- Classroom Style and Zoom Options for the four NGC schools:
- Calendar program: Photographs from the photography contest are used in the production of the NGC’s Calendar of Beauty.
- Exhibiting: Entering horticulture, floral designs, botanical arts, and/or educational exhibits in NGC-accredited Standard Flower Shows and opportunity to win a prestigious top award.
- Opportunity to serve others in leadership positions at various levels: local, district, state, region or national, as well as at special events.
- Leadership Development: Club Presidents, Vice Presidents, other club officers, and those interested in aspiring to become a leader have the opportunity to attend presentations to develop their leadership skills further by attending leadership sessions at the District and/or State levels.
- Youth Gardening Programs: MGC clubs provide opportunities involving youth. MGC sponsors youth wishing to enter NGC contests, such as Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl poster, sculpture, high school essay, and win awards.
- Scholarships: Available for students in fields of study related to the MGC Mission and at the NGC and CR levels.
- Club Programs/Projects: Support available from NGC, CR, and MGC.
- NGC (Plant America and others) and MGC Grants (Plant America; Grow and Share): Available to MGC member clubs.
- Annual Awards: Club, MGC, CR, and NGC prestigious awards (some cash awards) available to adults and youth.
- Free Advertising of Member Club Events: Member garden clubs can advertise their events on the MGC Website public-viewable calendar.
- Eligible for 501(c)(3) for voluntary participation in the MGC Group Tax Exemption Program to those clubs that wish to participate.
- Group Tax Exemption Program: A 501(c)(3) organization is recognized by the IRS as a non-profit organization and may solicit tax-deductible donations from corporations and individuals. The process of becoming a 501(c)(3) organization is usually too complex and expensive for most small clubs. The MGC program provides a simplified and less expensive process for getting this official status from IRS. In addition, the major benefit for applying for a 501(c)(3) is to limit member liability. If someone attending a club’s meeting or event should happen to get injured, all the club’s members could be sued equally.
- Member Club General Liability Insurance: Provided by MGC.
- Club officer and club organizing materials and assistance: Available from NGC and MGC.

Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. is a member of National Garden Clubs, Inc. and Central Region, Garden Clubs, Inc.