Flower Show
MGC Calendar
Gardening School, Course 2
Hosted by River Valley Garden Club Inc.
Gardening School, Course 2
Hosted by River Valley Garden Club Inc.
District 5 Fall Meeting
District 5 presents Mi Flora and Fauna with a Standard Flower Show. Manistee Senior Center aka Waggoner Community Center. Dates are from set up on Sept 11, Meeting is Sept 12, Flower Show viewing on Sept 13 half day. Hosted by Spirt of the Woods, Portage Lake and Periwinkle Garden Clubs.
District 4 Fall Field trip (in lieu of meeting)
Belding Gardeneers is the host club planning this event. A bus day trip is planned to the Quilt Gardens in Nappanee, Indiana. We will have a guided tour by a Master Gardener and sit down lunch at an Amish restaurant. We will tour 6 gardens with a 7th being a research garden.
Contact for info: Kimber Nagy, 248-686-6671 or
D5 President Mtg
Club Presidents meet for updates and discussion