A meeting of all the District 4 club presidents
February Member Meeting: “Membership Matters”
Robin Pokorski former NGC Director of the Pacific Region Garden Clubs and author of the handbook “Membership Matters” will provide a lot of useful tips with wonderful humor that help clubs recruit, retain and revitalize their clubs.
Holland Garden Club Flower Show, “Victorian Garden”
Holland Garden Club invites all to the free Standard Flower Show held during Tulip Time at the Holland Armory, 16 W. 9th Street in Holland. The theme of this year’s judged flower show is the “Victorian Garden” in honor of the 150th anniversary of Holland’s Cappon House. This free event is sponsored by the Stuart and Barbara Padnos Foundation. The show is first opened to the public on May 7th at 3pm – 6pm.
MGC Board of Directors Meeting
Board of Directors Meeting via Zoom
President Zoom District 5
Club Presidents zoom meeting
January Member Meeting: Flower Photography, It’s Easy To Do!
Mike Moats, an award-winning professional photographer, will teach how easy it is to produce excellent artistic flower photography whetehr you own a camera with lenses, or just a cell phone. He will be giving away one lifetime membership to his Macro Photo Club.