Founded on June 30, 1931, as “The Federated Garden Clubs of Michigan” the organization was created with two main objectives:
- To coordinate the interests of the garden clubs of the state and bring them into closer relations of mutual helpfulness by association, conference, and correspondence.
- To cooperate with educational agencies furthering the interests of gardening, conservation, and highway improvement.
Michigan accepted the invitation to join the National Council of State Garden Clubs, Inc. on March 17, 1932. At the time there were 34 Michigan Garden Clubs -with a total membership of 1800. Today we represent 135 clubs and over 4800 members.
On June 3, 2005, the name was changed to Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc.
The list of all past state conventions and conferences can be found in the Archives in the Administrative area.
The list of all the Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. Past Presidents can be found in the Archives in the Administrative Area.