109th Blue Star and 10th Gold Star (2023)
The Butterfly Kaleidoscope Gardeners of Beaverton, in cooperation with the Billings Township Community Park, dedicated both a Blue Star Memorial By-Way and a Gold Star Memorial By-Way on June 17, 2023. The two markers are located at the Billings Township Community Park, 4378 Wieman Rd, Beaverton. The markers, individually mounted on stone, shine brilliantly in the butterfly garden at the park.
June 17th was a gorgeous day, and the event was made extra special with a quilt raffle for the veterans, yellow roses for Gold Star Family members and the glorious release of monarch butterflies.
The event host was Dee Battista.
Pin: 43.86005967109312, -84.32885000262891 (Billings Township Community Park)