8th Gold Star (2022)
Touch the Earth Garden Club, in cooperation with the City of Grand Blanc, dedicated a Gold Star Memorial By-Way on June 14, 2022. The marker is located at Rust Park, 470 Rust Park Drive, Grand Blanc.
The land now known as Rust Park was donated in memory of Lt. William H. Rust. Lt. Rust was gravely injured in World War I and succumbed to his injuries on September 2, 1918. Lt. Rust’s aunt and uncle, E. Sumner and Mary Rust, donated this serene parcel of land to the City of Grand Blanc in 1939 to forever memorialize their nephew. At the time, no park existed in the community for public gatherings.
Wendy Jean-Buhrer (first photo), Grand Blanc City Manager, was the Master of Ceremony. Trish Payne was the event host.

Pin: 42.93617011642519, -83.62945517383316 (Rust Park)