51st Blue Star (2011, rededicated 2024)
The Meeks Mill Garden Club and Sturgis Garden Club dedicated a Blue Star Memorial By-Way on May 14, 2011. The marker was located at American Legion Post 138, 600 E. US 12, White Pigeon. The photo on the right reflects the original site.
In 2023, the American Legion building was sold and repurposed as an event venue. No longer an appropriate site for the marker, Meeks Mill Garden Club and Sturgis Garden Club, working with various community organizations, rehomed their marker to a very beautiful and fitting location at Wahbememe Memorial Park, 14956-14998 W. Chicago Road, White Pigeon. Their efforts culminated on September 11, 2024, with a rededicated ceremony.
Left to right: Standing – Debra Miller, Gloria Martin, Sharon Juday, Michele Bush; Sitting – Barb Gray, Melissa Hall, Cynthia Hoss, Kathy Messner

Constantine Post 223 Color Guard; MGC District 3A Director Judy Nelson.

Pin: 41.79759177286093, -85.66286597388171