Order a new MGC logo sign customized with your club’s name on it available directly from the printer. A 16” x 24” large aluminum sign can be extremely useful to let people know your club’s meeting location. As visitors enter your town, they may recognize the Michigan Garden Club logo and know that a member garden club is nearby. This is a great way to label the gardens your club created and/or maintains.
Click on “order” to download and complete a fillable order form. Save the form on your computer, and then email it to the FastSigns printer, . If you are a 501(c)(3), attach a completed MI Tax Exempt form #3372 to your email with the order. (MI Tax Exempt form #3372 is available by Googling “MI sales tax exempt form #3372.”) FastSigns will invoice you and then you can pay directly with a credit card. The FastSigns invoice will include shipping and sales tax if appropriate.
Small easels to hold the signs are available at Hobby Lobby for about $6.00. Prices on decals to cover existing signs are also available from FastSigns. Contact . A local printer may also be able to supply them.
For more information regarding the MGC Logo Club Sign, contact MGC Member Services Administrator, , cell: 231-676-4930.