2021-2023 Club President’s Annual Report and Club of Distinction Award covering the period of March 1, 2021 – February 29, 2022 is due to MGC President, Monica Taylor; 1st Vice-President, Nancy Ryan; and your District Director by March 1, 2022.
In the interest of saving trees and minimizing postage, the preferred way to submit this report and the accompanying documents is as an electronically produced and emailed document. You are encouraged to save your report and edit it for the following year, especially adding to your list of registered pollinator gardens.
Please e-mail completed report, along with extra pages, to your District Director, MGC President, Monica Taylor at and
MGC First Vice-President, Nancy J. Ryan at . Alternatively, you may mail the report to your District Director; to Monica at 12293
168th Avenue Grand Haven, MI 49417 and Nancy J Ryan at 70 Middleboro Dr. NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506..
Award Categories
- Michigan Garden Club Awards
- Central Region Garden Club Awards
- National Garden Club Awards
- Yearbook Awards
- Flower Show Awards
- Youth Contests
Special Awards