When we plant a pollinator garden as part of a community beautification project or as part of a Blue or Gold Star Memorial, we not only honor their service, but thank them for protecting our right to express our interest and concern for our country and our environment.
Please join us in our efforts to promote Michigan Pollinator Gardens.
The Blue Star Memorial program was developed by the National Garden Clubs, Inc. in 1945 to pay tribute to the Armed Forces that defended our country during World War II. Based on the original Blue Star flag displayed in family homes, the star became a standard symbol on dedicated Blue Star Highways throughout the United States. The placement of Blue Star markers was approved by state legislatures in cooperation with State Departments of Transportation.
Today the Blue Star Memorial program has expanded to include many locations including highways, parks, veterans’ facilities, national cemeteries, and historic/civic sites.
The markers pay tribute to all the Armed Forces which defend our country, and they are a visible reminder of our love of gardening and our support for the Armed Forces of the USA.
Michigan Blue Star Memorials by District
Michigan Gold Star Memorials by District
Blue Star Locations in Michigan
The Gold Star Memorial was added recently to honor Service members who have lost their life defending our country.
The brochure includes the history of Blue Star Memorials, planning steps for a dedication, Blue Star Memorial benefits and the two types of memorial markers available.
Michigan Blue/Gold
Trish Payne, Blue/Gold Star Chair
860 Boutell Drive
Grand Blanc, MI 48439